Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Handy Hint: How to Insert Jump Breaks into Blogger Blog Postings

I only recently started to blog, and noticed that when I published really long posts, the entire thing would still get posted to the home page. Making it so longer posts only show a portion, then give a 'Read More', or other link, makes the home page look a lot neater, and allows a browser to possibly see snippets from multiple posts.

It's very easy to do:

  • On your dashboard go to the "Settings" tab and scroll all the way to the bottom of the page.
  • Under "Select Post Editor" select the option for "Updated Editor".
  • Now, go into the post you wish to edit and there will be a variety of new options! If you click the small icon that looks like a broken page, it will insert a 'jump break' where your curser is.
Voila! You now have jump breaks in your post.

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